Dikla’s Box
Get ready to host events that bring your guests together, And transform any meal you serve up
Into a happiness and relationship-boosting experience!

Hospitality that Brings People Together
Everything You Need to Know About My Box
In bite-sized form
Over the past five years,
I’ve hosted and introduced and connected
thousands of people at culinary events.
I know exactly what it feels like
to seat a diverse group of people around a single table
and hope that they magically connect
and the evening goes off without a hitch.
But guess what?
To bring your guests together, no magic is required.
All you need to do is think smart and plan ahead.
Whether your guests already know each other,
or it’s the first time they’re meeting,
it’s up to you to set the tone for your event,
create a safe space for casual conversation,
and ensure your guests feel at home,
or better yet, welcome and loved.
The best way to boost your guests’ confidence
and sense of comfort is to let them know
who else is attending the meal,
and where exactly they’ll be seated.
To feel a part of the fabric of your event,
your guests will want to understand WHY they were invited, together with your other guests.
Some of your guests may not be small talk superstars.
They may not be able to kick off conversations with unfamiliar guests sitting nearby.
They may even need a little help opening up and sharing.
This is exactly what my box has to offer!
I’ve poured tons of thought and care
into every item in my box, to help you and your guests
create as many connections as possible.
Together, we can spread the magic of conversation
and bring people together at events
that are so enjoyable and significant,
your guests will keep talking about them
long after they’re done.
Dikla's Box is suitable for any type of meal you host around a table - friends who don’t know each other, your team members,
long-lost best pals, or even your extended family.
It doesn’t matter who your guests are!
Use the box to learn new and exciting things
about one another,
And let the magic of the joint meal
bring you closer together!

What’s Inside
Dikla's Box?

My greatest wish is
that when you open my handmade wooden box,
The first thing that comes out of your mouth is,
And once you get over your initial shock,
I hope you notice ten different items
staring back up at you.
Count well, and you’ll quickly realize
that you can use the box’s contents
to bring 16 guests together like never before.
You can opt to host one large meal,
two smaller meals with 8 guests each,
of any other configuration that suits your fancy.
The box contains items that will remain in your home
after your dinner party has come to a close, as well.
Every ‘Dikla’s Box’ contains:
What Are You to Do
with All Your Goodies?
Inside the box, you will find a code. Scan it to visit the ‘Dikla’s Box’ website, for guidance on how to make the most of your box.
I’ve made sure that the website contains all the necessary explanations, as well as my own personal recommendations on how to use each of the items inside of the box. I’ve also shared my thoughts about each items, provided suggestions for creative hosting ideas, and anything else you may need to become the host/ess with the most/ess. This includes awesome playlists, some secrets to hosting success, and my own special vision board.

How Much Does it Actually Cost
To Create the Ultimate Hosting Experience?

‘Dikla’s Box’ is NOT a product.
Sure, there’s a box, and you can totally hold it in your hand,
But trust me, it is NOT a product.
‘Dikla’s Box’ is what you can use
To transform your hosted event into
an unforgettable experience.
Using the items in the box, you can create moments that bring people together, get them talking,
surface memories among family members, and inspire authentic sharing. In one word: togetherness.
How can you put a price on such an experience?
For a limited time only,
‘Dikla’s Box’ launch price of 650 NIS
instead of 770 NIS
Are you a member of the Dikla’s Friends community?
If your answer is “yes,” set your kettle to boil and sit back for a cuppa joe – I’m coming over to deliver your box in person!

I Feel Like You’re Ready
To Host an Event that Brings People Together
Except for the pins and clothespins, the box and everything inside of it were made in Israel. I’m serious.
I could have imported everything from China in just a few clicks, but it was important to me that the kit reflect a collection of local creative; entrepreneurs who work hard and make a living from their artistic expressions.
All of the papers I printed on were made from recycled materials, and the boxes were patiently put together by the hands of senior citizens living on the kibbutz. Tens of hours of planning, precision, editing, questions, and focus were poured into each and every item inside of the box.
For the moment, only 100 boxes have been manufactured, with each and every one of them numbered and signed by yours truly.
I package them on my own, box by box,
With lots of love, good intentions, and attention to detail,
So that when you use the box,
You’ll feel all the feels,
Right at your dining room table.
Life is All About Connections,
At Least Mine is.
Hi! I’m Dikla Goldstein Malamud. It’s nice to meet you!
For me, life is really all about connections.
For the past five years, I’ve been the owner of the social-culinary venture “Dikla’s Friends,” through which I bring people together for amazing chef dinners.
Over the past few years, I’ve brought thousands of people together in Israel, New York, and Ecuador; people who connected for friendship, business, collaboration, and social activism purposes.
I love hosting my family and friends. I get so excited when new, significant, and deep connections form between people. And, above all, I love the sound of people talking and laughing around the table.
To me, it’s the sweetest sound in the entire world.
I created a box for hosts to use to bring people together, so that you can experience this amazing feeling and give your guests personal attention, significant conversation, and unforgettable experiences as well.

Looking for More Ideas to Bring Your Guests Together?
You’re Welcome to Connect Here, Too